This module looks at how to make the perfect outbound, inbound and subsequent follow up calls to ensure delegates are as efficient and as effective on the phone with prospective clients.
The course covers:
Setting out a call plan
Using sales language to win business
How to by-pass the gate keeper
The telephone call pitch
Creating interest from the prospect
Positive call to action
Telephone objection handling
Folllow up calls
Gaining commitment
Telephone Techniques
This module look at how to present yourself, your product and the company. It develops important skills that allow you to grow both personally and professionally, to give you the confidence and impact in front of individuals or a large audience
Personality and visual
Representing the business
Features and benefits
Sensory presenting skills
Telling stories
Tone, inflection and body language
Presentation Skills
This module looks at the art of negotiation and turning a negotiation into a positive outcome. We will look at how negotiation works and how to structure the negotiation so the candidate is on control and the emotions of the negotiations are in control
The Black Swan technique
How and why questions
Meet in the middle
Power of the pause
The 3’ F’s
Negotiation Skills
In this module candidates will be taught how to sell to different nationalities around the world. Having lived in Asia, Europe, South America, Middle East and Caribbean, I am very familiar with the cultural nuances that are required.
Different cultures approach buying differently and also have a different opinion on the sales process and the sales person. Once the cultural differences are identified, then specific sales skills can be applied and adapted from earlier modules
Middle East market
SE Asia Market
UK and European market
International Selling
This module will provide your team with the knowledge they need to ensure compliance with Money Laundering Regulations and the Proceeds of Crime Act.
It is a legal requirement for all relevant employees to receive Anti-Money Laundering training so they can understand and implement the correct procedures in line with the latest legislation. This makes this course essential if you are dealing with property sales and therefore required to know about your responsibilities in respect of financial crime. The course covers the following –
• The process of money laundering and defines the associated key terms
• The offences under the key legislation: Proceeds of Crime Act, Terrorism Act and Money Laundering Regulations
• How to spot the risks and indicators in business
• ‘Know your customer’ describing the different levels of due diligence including identification and verification
• When levels of risk mean enhanced due diligence is necessary
• What constitutes suspicious activity and list specific criteria
• The reporting of suspicious activity
Compliance Training
In this module we teach candidates how to ask for the business and how to close an interaction with a sale. People buy emotionally and justify rationally, so we look at the various techniques on how to close a sale that satisfies the emotion and rational thinking of the buyer
Type of closes
Direct and indirect closes
3rd party referral
Step by step
Closing Techniques
Account management is vital to ensure that there is a constant flow and stream of business. Account management and third party agents and introducers have become more prevalent and in conjunction with the cultural training this module looks at how best to communicate and maximise 3rd party agents
Third party agents
Wealth Managers
Social media – this has become a vital communication tool, especially Whatsapp and for Chinese buyers WeChat
Account Management